
First Things First: Volunteer Badges
To protect the safety of our students, before you can volunteer in the classroom or around school, you must first go through fingerprinting + background check to obtain a volunteer badge from the District. The badges are good for many years and do not need to be renewed annually.
- Fall Carnival Volunteers – Sunday Oct 20 – We need everyone! Please sign up HERE
***Harding Carnival is coming BACK!*** It will be 11am – 4pm on October 20th! This amazing event is a huge undertaking and we need EVERYONE’s HELP to pull it off! There are tasks of all sizes. To reach the carnival team with questions or ideas, please email the Carnival Committee.
- Volunteer at Lunch/Recess – We need everyone! Please sign Up HERE
We are asking all families that are able to occasionally be at school during lunch, to volunteer for 4 lunch/recesses per year. Adult presence and interaction at recess helps students and staff immensely. Review the volunteer recess guidelines here.
Harding is lucky to have an active parent community with volunteers staffing the library, working in the classrooms, chaperoning field trips, and much, much more. Here are ways you can volunteer:
- IN THE CLASSROOM: Assist individual students or small groups with reading, math, or science activities (contact your student’s teacher about classroom opportunities)
- AT HOME: Volunteer at home planning events, designing flyers, doing mailings, helping with e-news or website maintenance (for e-news or website: contact Comms Chair; for other ideas contact the Volunteer Coordinator)
- FUNDRAISING: Assist with flamingo flocking, the Spring auction, the walk/roll-a-thon or read-a-thon, etc.! or join the fundraising committee to collaborate on your own idea/event! Email the fundraising chair if you want to help!
- IN THE LIBRARY: Staff the library (contact the Library Committee chair or your room parent – if you don’t know who your room parent is, ask your teacher.)
- SCHOOL WIDE EVENTS: Chaperone field trips, help with a holiday event or the Spring Concert, etc. (contact the Volunteer Coordinator or your room parent.)
- TRANSLATION: Translate written materials into foreign and sign languages (contact the Comms Chair).
- OTHER SKILLS NEEDED: Whatever else you have to offer!
Contact the Volunteer Coordinator with questions or offerings – we welcome and appreciate EVERYONE’S help!