Hello Harding Community,
This week I focus on two topics that have all of us experiencing ongoing frustration. There have been some organizational bumps with the new COVID testing company that I hope we will have ironed out this week. The number of registered students continues to grow each week. It is in all our best interest to test everyone at school each week. This week, due to the Monday with no school, testing will be on Wednesday. Please note the following if your child is not getting tested each week.
COVID Testing: (1) Anyone who signed up for an appointment on 9/26 or after has signed our updated consent form and does not have to schedule appointments for weekly testing moving forward. If you have not registered with this company on or after 9/26, you must do so; registration data before that date was deleted so your child is not showing up on our list to test. Registration Information Link. (2) Dorene has created an organizational system for the testers to keep better track of who is registered and who they have/have not tested on testing days. Cross your fingers that we’ve solved the issues.
Students and Socialization #1: We continue to manage a wide variety of student behavior that saps all of us, students and staff, of energy and patience. The lack of pandemic socialization is very apparent in most children and we are aligning our teaching of foundational social skills, but consistent practices take time. I will report more about this at the PTA meeting on Tuesday October 12 and in my weekly message next weekend. All families can help their child(ren) and the staff by reading and practicing the conflict management skills outlined in this article: Conflict Resolution Skills That Will Help Your Child in School. As always, if we work on this together, children will be more successful sooner. Thanks in advance for your cooperation and support.
Take care and stay safe.
Mrs. Takimoto