Hello Harding Community,
School Site Council (SSC) election results are in! Congratulations to our new Parent/Community Members:
- Thakur Neupane
- Maria Feng
- Rosalita Cifuentes
- Maggie Whitaker
The next SSC meeting will be October 21 from 6:00-7:30pm via this Zoom Link. We will welcome the new members, elect officers, and review our school goals for the year and discuss some baseline data. These are open meetings and all community members are welcome.
The SSC is only part of the village of school community members that it takes to support student and teacher success. Harding’s amazing PTA led by Ted Lam have been key collaborators and communicators throughout the pandemic and I know we all appreciate Ted’s and the collective leadership. It is heartwarming to see so many stepping up to connect to your classroom room parent groups, donate money in the direct giving campaign, and fill staffing gaps in the office and on the yard. Many thanks to Lisa Fox-Mullen for coordinating library volunteers and support and Dawn Miller who just stepped out of her role as SSC chair and will start coordinating and supporting all other onsite volunteers. Maggie Whitaker helped get the initial volunteer scheduling underway and we now have regulars in the office and on the yard. Dawn will take over volunteer orientation and support. If you are interested in volunteering in the office, on the yard, or with safety at drop off and pick up times, please fill out this survey. It has been a busy start of the year, I am so impressed with all the support, and I know it will take all of our efforts to maintain the energy needed to navigate this year.
Take care and stay safe.
Mrs. Takimoto