Principal’s Message: August 8, 2021

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Hello Harding Community, 

We are getting very close to the first day and I know you are anxiously awaiting news and information on safety, class lists, teacher assignments, and how to do the first day of school.  Thank you for your patience.  As with anything that is new, it is all taking longer than I thought but we are generally in good shape and excited about the start of school.  I will be as comprehensive as I can in this message but this year’s motto is “Stay Informed and Stay Connected”.  Things will change continually so we will need both information and connection as foundational pieces that support a safe and successful year.

Here we go…


IMPORTANT DATES AND UPDATES – Look for changes from previously published dates/events:

  • Tuesday, August 10 at 7:00pm – Return to School Information and Expectations with the Principal #2, Zoom Link  (#1 and #2 will essentially be the same; I will post a recording of #2 by next weekend.)
  • Wednesday or Thursday, August 11-12 – look for teacher introduction videos on the Return to School Website.
  • Friday, August 13  2pm, 2:30pm, 3pm, and 3:30pm – Kinder Classroom Visit to meet the teacher and learn how to navigate the first day – details and instructions will be sent directly to TK and K families by email.  We will assign a fraction of each class an introductory session in 20 minute shifts so all can visit safely.   Sorry, we are late on communication – kinder families will get an email Monday 8/9.
  • Sunday, August 15 at 4:00pm – class assignment lists will be posted at the Ashbury Street pedestrian gate and front entrance on Fairmount Avenue.  (All other 8/15 events have been cancelled) (I will discuss getting introductory communication out to families on Friday 8/13 with teachers when they return on the 11th.)
  • Monday, August 16 – First day of school (Detailed drop off and pick up instructions will be linked in my 8/15 weekly message, posted on the Return to School Website asap, and sent directly to families by email in any teacher communication and from the office.)
    • Kindergarten start: 8:20am
    • TK and 1st-6th grade start: 8:30am – Yard gates open at 8:20am for students to enter the yard and get into their class line
      • TK-2nd grade students enter through the Ashbury gate.  (Rooms 110 and 115 students will not enter the yard but will go to the Ashbury Street Kindergarten patio.)
      • 3rd-6th grade students enter through the Fairmount gate – student entry only/no adults may accompany the older students onto the yard. (We will allow a family member to go as far as the parking lot on the first day so you can see your child find their line.)
      • Building entry for students and staff ONLY
    • TK dismissal is at 1:45pm 
    • 2:05pm Minimum day dismissal for all other grades
  • Tuesday, August 17 at 7:00pm – Get to Know Your PTA, Zoom Link Passcode: 219573
  • Thursday, August 19 at 6:00pm – School Site Council Meeting, Agenda will include a Return to School Report, Zoom Link 
  • Saturday, August 21, Volunteer Application and Fingerprint Party at Harding


  • All non students or staff MUST have an appointment to come on campus.
    • Dorene, School Secretary and Nancy, Bilingual Attendance Clerk work by phone and email (; and will determine anything needed to be done in person.  Always contact them first, email is preferred as short staffing and a students first focus means that they can’t always pick up the phone.  Please write or leave detailed messages in email or voicemail.
    • All volunteers must complete the fingerprinting process, participate in our contact tracing system, follow all safety protocols, and wear their volunteer badge at all times while on campus.
    • Teachers will communicate with families regarding volunteer opportunities with your child’s class – share your email with the PTA/room parent volunteer so they can help the teacher manage parent communication and volunteering.
    • Schoolwide volunteers are also needed.  Please complete the Harding Volunteer Interest Survey if you are already “badged” or plan to complete the process asap.  From the district community engagement office: The volunteer application portal and weekly fingerprint appointments have restarted.  Additionally, we have added two volunteer fingerprint parties in August.  Parents can book appointments throughout the week on Tuesdays and Thursdays, or they can attend one of our Saturday events. The Saturday fingerprinting parties do not require an appointment. 

Okay, take a breath and keep this information in a handy place so you can refer back to it when your COVID brain forgets or scrambles it all:)  See you soon.

Take care and stay safe.

Sincerely, Mrs. Takimoto