June 22, 2020. Message from Principal Takimoto

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Hello Harding Community,

Here are the requirements for return to school published by the  California Department of Education, the California Department of Public Health, and the CDC.  The district has determined it is impossible to open schools as we used to know them. Therefore, the following two models are being developed:

  • A full-time distance learning model.
  • Hybrid models — some in-person; some online. 

District re-opening task force work will be done July 9 and the district will submit a plan for approval to the county office of education on July 17.
As outlined two weeks ago, Harding teachers are developing plans for next year to keep what worked last spring and incorporate feedback and new learning into next year’s plans for instruction.  The PTA, School Site Council (SSC), and I have also mapped out a plan for not only welcoming incoming families but establishing community connection and communication systems to facilitate ongoing academic and social support. 

With any amount of distance learning we need to promote and normalize family engagement because it now includes efforts in facilitating your child’s learning. This is especially true for our young students who must always be touching, feeling, doing, and exploring concepts for themselves.  They will not be able to do this at school and they might not do this at home without intentional facilitation and support. We are expanding our mindset from teaching our students to teaching both our students and their families.  We will need to empower caregivers with the confidence, skills, and knowledge to facilitate open-ended learning at home, so that student robust learning is happening even when children are not in classrooms. 

I have really been enjoying the sunshine and warm weather this past week, I hope you all are too.  Take care and stay safe.

Mrs. Takimoto