May 17, 2020
Hello Harding Community,
Well, I have no new news. Please plan on a variety of scenario speculation for how school might look in the August, throughout the summer. Ultimately, each district will make its own plans in accordance with health and education guidelines within the increasing budget constraints. At Harding, I am working with teacher leaders on our Instructional Leadership Team to be prepared with social, emotional, and academic plans for a number of scenarios.
Please expect less live and/or recorded time with your child’s teacher over the last few weeks. A lot goes into closing out a school year. Teachers will have to take time to create classes for next year, write a narrative of each child’s current academic standing (the revised third trimester report card), and pack up their classroom for summer school use.
Please help us with closing out this year and getting the building ready for its next use by picking up your child’s desk and personal items if you have not already done so. Teachers have been sending REMIND messages when student materials are ready for pick up. We will continue to have the front door of the school open on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 am to 12 noon for item pick up in the entryway. The lost and found rack will be rolled out as well, for all to check for misplaced items. Please be wearing a mask and practice social distancing at all times when outside of your home.
Finally, the office will not be open for the rest of the year. If you have any office needs or will not be returning to Harding next year, please email Dorene Pinkston, Harding Secretary, at
Take care and stay safe.
Mrs. Takimoto